When considering the needs of your church , risk management may not be at the top of your radar. By researching, educating, and then implementing a thorough risk management strategy for your church, your congregation will benefit as a whole by preventing potential risks before they occur. You are not only safeguarding your church. You will also save on your insurance premium.
Here are the 5 steps to risk management for churches
1. Identify the Risks:
Being able to identify the risks and identifying potential hazards surrounding your church is vital. It is also crucial to be able to identify good risk versus bad risk. This step is best done by a group of individuals with different viewpoints so that no rock is left unturned.
2. Educate Yourself:
Educate yourself by joining online discussions, educational events, and business organizations that cover risk management solutions. Your church’s insurance agent is also another great source of information.
3. Training Staff:
Form a risk management team made up of a handful of informed people to enforce the rules and train other staff members on the risk management policies and procedures, including board members, part-time employees, and volunteers.
4. Institute Emergency Plans:
Have emergency plans in place and practice them. It is better to be proactive versus being reactive once tragedy happens.
5. Have the Right Insurance:
Making sure your church has the correct insurance policies in place is crucial. Having a reliable and trustworthy insurance agent that specializes in insuring churches and other religious establishments will lead you in the right direction with what you need to have co vered under your general liability insurance and other policies that are specific to churches. Some insurance carriers also offer risk management resources for their clients. Ask your agent if your current carrier offers these benefits.
By implementing these 5 steps to risk management for churches you can help provide protection from many possible adverse risks. Risk management is more than protecting your church buildings or preventing lawsuits against allegations. Your church’s risk management is put into place to help protect the entire congregation from buildings to beliefs.
For more information on your trusted local insurance agent, contact Sandi Purinton with The Insurance Connection. We help our clients Live Better. Save More. That’s what we try to help you do at The Insurance Connection. Offering the benefits of an independent agency, The Insurance Connection carefully considers your individual insurance needs and finds the right coverage for the best price for you, all with a smile. Contact us today at 678-439-8757 or info@insconnectga.com to get free insurance quotes
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This material is for information only and is not intended to provide legal or professional advice. You are encouraged to consult with your own attorney or other expert consultants for a professional opinion specific to your situation. This information is only a general description of the available coverages and is not a contract. In an effort to keep your policy coverage affordable, the actual policy contains certain limitations and exclusions. Please refer to your insurance policy for the pertinent contract language and coverages. Some coverages and discounts are not available in all states. The Insurance Connection welcomes all applications, without regard to religion, race, color, national origin, sex, handicap or familial status.
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